Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Holy SHit!

You have to listen to this clip. From what I have read it is Illinois State Rep. Davis of Chicago. In this audio clip you hear her responding to an atheist activist. Just listen and imagine her talking that way about gays, blacks, immigrants, Jews, Muslims, or women. If she did there would be outrage but guess what this story is days old and you are just finally reading about it. Only because I peruse a certain section of the internet did I find it.
What is it about the religious that is so threatened by non-believers? Is it that deep down they know that a belief in some benevolent omnipotent Creator is illogical and absurd. It is like the kid with his fingers in his ears yelling, "blah blah blah I can't hear you. blah blah blah". Christ you would think that us atheists were a bunch of commies, oh wait a bunch of us are.

Just in case anyone is interested, here is her email. mdavis2147@aol.com

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She is a comedy genius, give her a reality TV show. As with most religious fundementalists, fanatics and the more common or garden god bothers she is so feeble in her own beliefs that she must attack others. Atheists are just easy foder for attacks because they don't hide their values behind made up books of fairy stories.