Monday, April 21, 2008

Fuck the rich!

It has been reported that the top 50 hedge fund managers earned a total of 29 billion dollars last year. Some earned as much as 3 billion. According to Matt Miller from Fortune Magazine, not a socialist rag mind you, the typical family would have to work 12,000 years to earn what a typical hedge fund manager earns in one year or the typical hedge fund manager earns in one hour the same as a typical family earns in a year.
I think it should be a simple truth that our earth is a finite object. As a result this earth can only create so much wealth, since our earth is finite. (sure we can print more money but what value does it have?) If, as I have shown simply, that the earth is a finite entity then therefore there is only a finite amount of wealth that can be created, legitimately. One economist, whose name escapes me, once said, to believe that infinite wealth can be created in a finite world, one must either be an economist or a madman.
Above my computer I have this framed document that states, “We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator (notice the use of “their” instead of “the creator”) with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” Ya, it is the Declaration of Independence. (Ya, I have a framed copy.)
So when Jefferson, Adams and Franklin were imagining a proper society they deemed that those three things should be guaranteed, since humans were endowed with those rights as they stated. We have the right to live, we have the right of liberty and we have been endowed with the right for the pursuit of happiness.
If one person, or a group of people, hide away for themselves money they will never use and not pour it back into the economy that money becomes sterile or dead. That money is taken out of the finite pool of money so no one is able to earn it. It has no positive use in society. It makes it that much harder for others to find some of that finite pie. As a result a huge number of Americans, and humans worldwide, are forced to suffer.
How can one be granted the right of life and then be denied healthcare? Why is it that the poorer Americans cannot afford healthcare? Does one have the right to life if one is not guaranteed healthcare? If there is only a finite amount of money, and some are hording huge amounts for themselves are they taking away ones right to life?
My liberty to swing my fist stops where your face begins, is a paraphrase of a John Stuart Mill line from On Liberty. Liberty, as far as Mill saw it, in America is a funny thing because it doesn’t apply to the wealthy only the poor. So if I, as a regular citizen, sullied your home with toxins I would be held accountable, if I was a corporation I wouldn’t. My liberty to spread toxins stops where your body begins, unless you are a wealthy corporation then that rule no longer applies. Even better is that the corporation can pollute our environment and then get us, the taxpayers, to pay for the clean up. Notice ExxonMobil still hasn’t paid their fine for the Exxon Valdez spill nearly twenty years ago. Maybe we should issue a warrant.
How can one be happy if they are unable to provide adequate nourishment to their children? If one’s basic needs are not met it is extremely difficult to have time to pursue happiness. Especially if they have to work two or three jobs, in order to feed one’s children. Is it even possible to pursue happiness unless one’s most basic needs are met? I would say, no.
If average workers wages have stayed stagnant while every year the obscenely rich get richer are all boats rising? If one segment of society continues to see their aggregated wealth increase, in a finite pool, is it any surprise that the rest of labor’s wages haven’t risen in the last thirty years? How else would there be this money for them to earn? It had to come from somewhere since you can’t just create money from nowhere. (Oh wait, that might be practically false. Just ask one of them Ron Paulites)
So as I am arguing that the ultra-rich hate America, the idea not the market, I am reminded of another fact. Not only are the obscenely rich amassing as much wealth for themselves, that they and their off-spring will never spend, they are shipping it overseas in order to not pay taxes to America. Just like how many “American” companies are really from the Cayman Islands.
So why do the rich in America hate it and its ideals so much. Why are they actively working to remove people’s rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness? I think it is because they suffer from some yet to be named malady. How else can a social being like a homo-sapien be so far removed from its roots?
Oh ya, and they, 14 of America’s richest families, also want to create a permanent aristocracy like the one our founders fled and created laws to stop.
Why do they hate America so much?

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