Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Roosting Chickens

Here is a mass email I sent out to a diverse group of friends. I am hoping for some responses in which I can get permission to reprint. Unfortunately I know better to think that most people would be willing to think objectively about these topics. Americans are brainwashed beyond belief and it should be painfully obvious since Americans view the life of an Israeli worth more than that of countless Arabs.

Quick question,
I apologize in advance, except to Ian,
Is there any action that our government, you and I, can take that would justify a similar or even lesser action against us. For instance, 3000 people were slaughtered on 9/11 by a bunch of Saudis and we reacted, with the overwhelming support (70%), by killing 80-90,000 Iraqis though violence and another million as a result of our invasion. We felt that it was our "right" but do the Iraqis now have that same "right", and if not, doesn't that mean we think we, America, own the world? Do we?
Justin Loper

Monday, April 28, 2008

Pot calling a clean kettle black

In case you missed it, the Israeli ambassador to the United Nations has called Former President and Nobel Laureate, Jimmy Carter, a "bigot". Of course this is the same Carter who got Menachem Begin and Anwar Sadat to sign the longest lasting peace deal in the region.

What is that on that Coke can, Anita.

“Can you put some icing on these muffins for me?” asks a middle aged black woman. Unfortunately it was an hour past the time I was supposed to leave so I was not too interested in going through the hassle. So I told her that it would take a while to heat up the icing since we don’t leave it on all day, hoping that that would end it but no.
“Well that store, you know the one on 27th before Wal-Mart,” she says.
“Sorry ma’am, I don’t know what store you are talking about. I don’t get out much.” I replied.
“Well they do it right away for me, no problems.” She stated.
At this point I am getting a little annoyed with her but I go on, “oh ya I bet they leave their icing on all day.” I then realized that this was not going to stop without her getting some fucking icing on her muffins. So I told her, “if you want to give me a few minutes I can heat some up in the microwave but it will take some time.”
She then says, “Okay that is fine. You aren’t going to put pubic hairs in it are you?”
I thought that there was no way she just said that to me so I asked, in a puzzled tone, “pardon me?”
Again, “You aren’t going to put pubic hairs in it are you.”
It is this point when I realize I have a real doozy on my hands. Even though I heard her the second time I had to get her to repeat it so I asked again, “excuse me?”
“Pubic hair” she barks out.
“Oh god no why would you say such a thing?” I inquire.
She then goes on about something on the news about a restaurant and pubic hairs, “didn’t you see that in the news”.
To which I wanted to respond, but couldn’t, “No, ma’am I just read actual news.”
She continued to blather on about an undercooked steak and some pubic hairs.
I decided to try to lighten the mood so I told her, “I’m sorry I was just having an Anita Hill moment.” She looked at me with a blank stare. So I proceeded on, “You know Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas and the Coke can?” Still no response.
I then informed her that hearing the term pubic hair at work is odd since it could be construed as sexual harassment.
“Really?” she asked.
“Yes and have a nice day.”
This woman was what black intellectual Shelby Steele would call a “challenger” vs. a “bargainer”. A challenger being someone like AL Sharpton or Jesse Jackson, two men whom I admire, who never let you forget that you are white. A challenger, according to Mr. Steele, is someone who assumes you are racist until you prove otherwise.
Whereas a bargainer, according to Steele’s definition, is one that doesn’t rub the racist past in white people’s faces. They say that they won’t prejudge you as long as you don’t prejudge them, think Obama.
This woman was definitely a “challenger” but doesn’t realize that people can see through that. I knew the moment she started talking to me that, in her mind, I was racist against Blacks. The problem is that I see that and I purposely act accordingly.
This is a problem with a lot of people, they think they are cleverer than they really are. They think that average people can’t see through their bullshit. Kind of like that worker who complains a day before they are going to call in sick about how they feel like they may be coming down with something. This just happened to be one example of many from all types of people that we see in our day-to-day routine. Why do people think other people are so stupid?
I still believe you Anita!

Monday, April 21, 2008

Fuck the rich!

It has been reported that the top 50 hedge fund managers earned a total of 29 billion dollars last year. Some earned as much as 3 billion. According to Matt Miller from Fortune Magazine, not a socialist rag mind you, the typical family would have to work 12,000 years to earn what a typical hedge fund manager earns in one year or the typical hedge fund manager earns in one hour the same as a typical family earns in a year.
I think it should be a simple truth that our earth is a finite object. As a result this earth can only create so much wealth, since our earth is finite. (sure we can print more money but what value does it have?) If, as I have shown simply, that the earth is a finite entity then therefore there is only a finite amount of wealth that can be created, legitimately. One economist, whose name escapes me, once said, to believe that infinite wealth can be created in a finite world, one must either be an economist or a madman.
Above my computer I have this framed document that states, “We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator (notice the use of “their” instead of “the creator”) with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” Ya, it is the Declaration of Independence. (Ya, I have a framed copy.)
So when Jefferson, Adams and Franklin were imagining a proper society they deemed that those three things should be guaranteed, since humans were endowed with those rights as they stated. We have the right to live, we have the right of liberty and we have been endowed with the right for the pursuit of happiness.
If one person, or a group of people, hide away for themselves money they will never use and not pour it back into the economy that money becomes sterile or dead. That money is taken out of the finite pool of money so no one is able to earn it. It has no positive use in society. It makes it that much harder for others to find some of that finite pie. As a result a huge number of Americans, and humans worldwide, are forced to suffer.
How can one be granted the right of life and then be denied healthcare? Why is it that the poorer Americans cannot afford healthcare? Does one have the right to life if one is not guaranteed healthcare? If there is only a finite amount of money, and some are hording huge amounts for themselves are they taking away ones right to life?
My liberty to swing my fist stops where your face begins, is a paraphrase of a John Stuart Mill line from On Liberty. Liberty, as far as Mill saw it, in America is a funny thing because it doesn’t apply to the wealthy only the poor. So if I, as a regular citizen, sullied your home with toxins I would be held accountable, if I was a corporation I wouldn’t. My liberty to spread toxins stops where your body begins, unless you are a wealthy corporation then that rule no longer applies. Even better is that the corporation can pollute our environment and then get us, the taxpayers, to pay for the clean up. Notice ExxonMobil still hasn’t paid their fine for the Exxon Valdez spill nearly twenty years ago. Maybe we should issue a warrant.
How can one be happy if they are unable to provide adequate nourishment to their children? If one’s basic needs are not met it is extremely difficult to have time to pursue happiness. Especially if they have to work two or three jobs, in order to feed one’s children. Is it even possible to pursue happiness unless one’s most basic needs are met? I would say, no.
If average workers wages have stayed stagnant while every year the obscenely rich get richer are all boats rising? If one segment of society continues to see their aggregated wealth increase, in a finite pool, is it any surprise that the rest of labor’s wages haven’t risen in the last thirty years? How else would there be this money for them to earn? It had to come from somewhere since you can’t just create money from nowhere. (Oh wait, that might be practically false. Just ask one of them Ron Paulites)
So as I am arguing that the ultra-rich hate America, the idea not the market, I am reminded of another fact. Not only are the obscenely rich amassing as much wealth for themselves, that they and their off-spring will never spend, they are shipping it overseas in order to not pay taxes to America. Just like how many “American” companies are really from the Cayman Islands.
So why do the rich in America hate it and its ideals so much. Why are they actively working to remove people’s rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness? I think it is because they suffer from some yet to be named malady. How else can a social being like a homo-sapien be so far removed from its roots?
Oh ya, and they, 14 of America’s richest families, also want to create a permanent aristocracy like the one our founders fled and created laws to stop.
Why do they hate America so much?

Monday, April 14, 2008

Words of Wisdom?

Recently a friend asked me how I remain happy in today's world. This is my quick response.

It is my belief that Americans are brainwashed to be consumers. We are told that we must have this life or that life in order to live a good life. Of course, that good life usually revolves around stuff. This has been drilled into our heads since birth and it is part of who we are. We have been told that we should have everything we want otherwise we will not be happy, so you better go get those things if you don't yet have them. These things are not only material objects or consumer goods but wealth and "love." We are told we need to be happy but how can one get happy, they get stuff to make them happy, but what if they can't get that stuff? Now they aren't happy and they were told that they are supposed to be happy so this leads them to be even unhappier. It is a vicious cycle.

So what is one to do? Like addiction recovery, one has to admit that they are brainwashed. It isn't the easiest thing to do because it started in infancy. My parents didn't have TVs until they were around five years old, and had been able to have some quiet time for mental development, and even they ended up brainwashed. So for us people who were brought up around the TV it is wired into our brains. Repudiating the television and its message is not easy. It's much like an abused child not wanting to admit that they have been abused but we have been. Everything the TV and our culture have fed us, in regards to the good life, has to be discarded. In order to rid oneself of its brainwashing one might have to attack it or abandon it until one is on the path to recovery. I am saying this with all seriousness. I am not being tongue in cheek.

What matters in life? Figuring this out is paramount to being content. I think happiness is an illusion. It is a fleeting thing. People come into it periodically as positive things happen but just as everything else it goes away. As I wrote earlier, the television has got people to think that they have to be happy when it is, really, unachievable on the scale and length they imply is possible. Actually, not "possible" but expected instead. I think it was Kant who made the claim that sustained periods of happiness are not achievable. So ridding oneself of the notion that they should be "happy" is necessary. That too is a hard task for someone growing up and living in this culture.

But back to the question, "what really matters in life?" I think that if one really thinks seriously and honestly about that, the answers will come pretty easy. For example, my answer would be, my loved ones and friends, my health and well being, knowledge and truth, ethics and fairness, and a roof over my head. Sure iPods and toys are cool and everything but they really don't matter. They can make life a little more enjoyable as entertainment but they have no real value, except the hundreds of dollars Apple charges.

Don't get me wrong, iPods are nice and the ability to have them is even nicer. By living in America, at this moment in time, we are some of the luckiest people to have ever lived. We have absolutely no problems finding enough food today since one can find a full meal for three bucks or less. Our health and well-being is unlike any time in history and should only continue to improve up until the Superbugs begin to emerge and kill us all. We have heat, electricity, tons of toys and a smidgen of basic rights guaranteed to us. (Hi Vice President Cheney)

Sure it is also depressing that living in America, at this time, makes us the meanest, greediest, most imperialist bullies. We are okay with torturing people, invading nations and flaunting international norms but things change. It sometimes requires action but things do change for the better. Never before had a war been protested before it began, even if it didn't stop it.

The basic level of freedoms we have is amazing and taken for granted. All one has to do is look around a world map and they will find that there are few countries where people have the rights, got through popular struggle, that we in the West have. We can basically do and say whatever we want.

I think Bertrand Russell was right when he said that time enjoyed wasted is not wasted time. I think too, that he argues in In Praise of Idleness that whole point of working is leisure time. Do what you enjoy as often as you can and see work and money as means not ends.

Of course it isn't possible to never be upset or depressed. Humans have developed the emotions we have for a reason. Unfortunately they can be destructive if not managed so we need to be able to recognize them. It may not be the easiest task but we should try to be able to look at ourselves in the third person.

None of this is easy. It is constant work. It isn't like you flip a switch and you now have a new outlook on life and "job over." Life is difficult and it continuously throws shit at us that we don't like. Our culture is a toxic one. We are forced to work too much and under too much stress but we have to keep in mind that we aren't making shoes for Nike in Indonesia. If we just sit back and expect that we won't be affected by the outside world we are headed for disaster. Again, Russell said, "The secret to happiness is to face the fact that the world is horrible." We have to acknowledge it, overcome it and try to live a content life.

Oh ya, and listen to punk rock.

Friday, April 11, 2008

The Problem of the Left

Michael Albert founder of Z Magazine.

iPhone/iPod Link

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Normally I don't post this kind of shit.

1. Without anyone watching you (they will think you are GOOFY......)
and while sitting at your desk in front of your computer, lift your
right foot off the floor and make clockwise circles.

2. Now, while doing this, draw the number '6' in the air with your
right hand. Your foot will change direction.

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Quick Thought

I have figured out a way to solve the Palestinian issue. Lets hold the Olympics in Tel Aviv.
This is my standard initial response to anyone asking about China, Tibet and the Olympics.



Why is it that there is correlation data that suggests the more one has their needs met the more they are likely to be depressed? Is it just me or does this seem to go against common sense?
Is it that once someone has their basic needs met, they then have the time to search their lives for the other things that are so terrible? For instance, “now that my family isn’t being oppressed by an occupying army, I can finally see that I am unhappy because of my looks or my social status? Before this I was concerned with trivial things like the safety of my children. Now I have time to complain that I don’t get everything I feel entitled to, like straight teeth.”
Isn’t it a joke for Americans to not take into consideration that there are four billion other people with far harder lives? One billion people are virtually starving to death while another billion are eating themselves to death because their sad lives created an addiction to food? One billion are fighting to feed their children and westerners are whining about how terrible their lives are, to a point where it is so bad that they can not eat and must throw their dinners into the trash.
I guess what I am talking about is perspective, a thing that is in short supply in our world. Where one Jewish settler’s life is worth that of one hundred Palestinians. Where 3000 dead one day are significant but another 3000 dead, not so. Where one fat person’s hopes weren’t met but children are starving and they aren’t complaining because they don’t know a different life while the fat woman complains that if she was wealthy like Oprah, she too could lose weight.
One thing is true, that people with real problems at least attempt to remedy them, and are killed along the way. In America we feel as if we shouldn’t have to act, instead we should just get. Maybe Americans like to be fat and sad. Though doesn’t the term “like” convey a sense of enjoyment? Maybe people are happy being miserable? Seems oxymoronic to me.

Holy SHit!

You have to listen to this clip. From what I have read it is Illinois State Rep. Davis of Chicago. In this audio clip you hear her responding to an atheist activist. Just listen and imagine her talking that way about gays, blacks, immigrants, Jews, Muslims, or women. If she did there would be outrage but guess what this story is days old and you are just finally reading about it. Only because I peruse a certain section of the internet did I find it.
What is it about the religious that is so threatened by non-believers? Is it that deep down they know that a belief in some benevolent omnipotent Creator is illogical and absurd. It is like the kid with his fingers in his ears yelling, "blah blah blah I can't hear you. blah blah blah". Christ you would think that us atheists were a bunch of commies, oh wait a bunch of us are.

Just in case anyone is interested, here is her email.