Thursday, October 18, 2007

Thank You Democrats!

Well the Democrats proved that they too can destroy the Constitution just as well as the quasi-fascist Republican Party. Today the Senate Intelligence Committee reached an agreement with the Bush administration granting immunity to the telecom companies that allowed the Bush Administration to illegally wiretap us. Again this proves that, when it really comes down to it, the Democrats will sell us all down the fucking river just as quickly as the authoritarian Republican regime. So in 2008 when everyone tells me how “this is the most important election in our lifetime”(ever notice how every election is so much more important then the last most important election ever?) and that there is a huge difference between Hillary and Rudy I will laugh in their face and vote for whatever third party is allowed on the Wisconsin ballot.
This illegal wiretapping, or “terrorist surveillance program”, depending on whom you ask, became a big deal when the New York Times first reported about it after the election. The Democrats said that had the American public known about the program it may have been enough to tip the election to John “I voted to give Bush the Authority to invade and occupy Iraq” Kerry in 2004. Then it came out that some Democrats had been briefed about it but had said nothing. So these asshole Democrats, Jay Rockefeller and the rest, were telling us that this election was the most important in our history yet refused to leak the information they claim could have changed, the most important, election. Instead they kept quiet.
That the Democrats would capitulate to every whim of Bush should have been obvious, had it not been for the faux outrage spouted by the Democratic Congress members. The minute we all should have foreseen this happening was when our brave Senator Feingold suggested censuring the President for his illegal behavior. The proposal, from Russ, was toothless and symbolic. He wanted the record to show that Congress voted that the Bush Administration had overstepped their authority and then move on from there. Democratic colleagues ran away from reporters, some leaving out the backdoor, for fear of having to make a statement and when they finally did they said things like “I haven’t read it.” This incident should have told us all that the Democrats weren’t really concerned about the violations of the Constitution, no matter how outraged they pretended to be.
The most obvious reason the Democrats don’t protest the repeated violations of the Constitution is because they only care about their careers. Instead they, after repeated faux protest on the airwaves, have quietly passed legislation giving Bush the powers they claim to abhor. It is more important that they continue to suck our tax dollars in the form of income, an income they voted to automatically increase because average Joes were getting upset when the press would report on Congress giving themselves a raise, while Joe’s income stays stagnant at best.
So when my Democratic friends begin attacking me in 2008, over my plan to vote for any left-wing third party candidate, I will laugh in their faces. When they tell me that this is the most important election in the history of humankind, I will laugh in their faces. Then when they attempt to prove the differences between the two parties, I will laugh in their faces and remind them that the Democrats voted for nearly everything they are upset with. Last election, in an attempt to sway my vote away from a candidate I agreed with, many of my Democratic friends would tell me about how abortion would be outlawed, more wars would be started, gay rights were going to get rolled back and numerous other horror stories. So what are they going to say when the Republicans nominate a pro-gay rights, pro-choice, pro-immigrant candidate? What, he might start a war with Iran that Hillary will vote for?

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