Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Islamofascism Awareness Week

Just when you thought that October had its full with Breast Cancer awareness here comes David Horowitz with his Islamo-fascism awareness week. He had many things planned like attacking feminists in America for not standing with their Saudi/Afghan women which is kind of fitting considering it is Breast Cancer Awareness month. I guess he figures that the numbers of breast cancer deaths, predicted to reach 40,000, are less important than the 3000 killed on Sept. 11th or the thousand Israelis killed in the five years since the Palestinian’s latest uprising. Or maybe like his Islamofascist enemies he too views women as lesser beings.
Here are the fourteen points of Fascism and why the term is wrong.
1. Powerful and continuing expressions of nationalism: How can it be that the Islamic Jihadi movement can be called nationalist when they have no nation is beyond me.
2. Disdain for the importance of human rights: Well it can be easily demonstrated that these Jihadists have no regard for human rights but that does not make them unique. If one looks, from Abu Ghraib to the West Bank to the French in Algeria to China to India, it is obvious that most powerful people have a disdain for human rights.
3. Identification of enemies/scapegoats as a unifying cause: This, I believe, can be applied to the Jihadists for sure. The Jews, the West and modernity are the scapegoats no doubts. Just like the Arabs, the Islamofascists and communists were to the US.
4. The supremacy of the military/avid militarism: Even though the Jihadists don’t have a formal military, one can interchange the words military with violence if they like. In the US though, it is off limits to question anything the military does or spends it money on. It must be remembered that the lack of a formal military was the excuse given as to why we didn't need to apply the Geneva Conventions to our P.O.W.s. and why it was admissible to shove things in their rectums, make them stand for days at end, keep them in cold cramped cells without clothing, sexually humiliating them and on and on...... Though I am sure Rumsfeld would argue that their is a percentage of Americans who actually like to have things inserted into their rectums.
5. Rampant Sexism: No need to comment, obviously.
6. A controlled mass media: Even though many freaks will argue that AL Jazeera is the Jihadi television network, which is complete nonsense. Unless of course, you subscribe to the racist mentality of “fight THEM over there” in other words, you view all Muslims as terrorist.
7. Obsession with national security: Again considering they have no nation this is kinda moot. Though if one wanted to they could argue that the Jihadists want to create a Pan-Arabic state and they view that as under assault but it is a stretch.
8. Religion and the ruling elite tied together: Just on the simple basis that it is a Jihad makes this one very logical even though there is no ruling elite unless you really think Bin Laden is the chair of an organization named Al Qaida. “One nation under God”, “the attack on Christmas…..”
9. Power of corporations protected: That one is simple since they have no corporations.
10. Power of labor suppressed or eliminated: There is no transcript of Bin Laden or his ilk talking about Labor rights.
11. Disdain and suppression of intellectuals and the arts: By their rejection of modernity they reject intellectuals and the arts. Though if one looks around, the “Right” in America feels the same about intellectuals.
12. Obsession with crime and punishment: Their fascination with Sharia law shows that they are obsessed with punishment.
13. Rampant cronyism and corruption: Typicallly the more pious the religious muslims are the less corrupt, as we in the west understand it, they are.
14. Fraudulent Elections: This one is too easy since there would be no elections in Bin Laden’s world.
Now compare these fourteen points with the society we live in. Are they more apt to describe our country? If one tallies the vote it would seem that the US is more closely aligned with fascism then the radical muslims.
Maybe what we need, in place of Islamofascism awareness week, is plain Fascism Awareness week.


Justin said...

I am sorry if I lack your fear of a couple of pissed off Muslims living in some caves in the tribal area of Pakistan. The most dangerous thing about Pakistan is not a group of rag tag terrorists but the nuclear weapons they have built.
Ann Coulter, in case you have forgotten, is a christian supremacist. Remember her quote about invading all their countries, kill all their leaders and convert them to Christianity. Sounds quite a bit like the Islamists like Al Zawahri.
DO yourself a huge favor and watch "The Power of Nightmares" and then come back to talk to me.

Anonymous said...

You must be not that bright if you don't put Ann Coulter's statement in the context of the day it was made.

Justin said...

I thought that her saviour Jesus states that one is to offer up the other cheek. THis shows, at least to me, that nearly everyone who claims to be Christian can't really believe in it. Otherwise they would live closer to how Christ taught but they don't. When asked about the laws governing food, CHrist said, to paraphrase, it isn't what you put in your mouth that makes you unclean, it is what comes out of your mouth because what comes out of the mouth is from the heart. I wonder how the moral Coulter feels about that since she spouts hatedfilled rhetoric.
"Christians are perfected Jews."?
Sounds like Christian supremacy to me.
As far as the context is concerned, one's real personality comes out in times of great stress, fear or when the bottom drops out. That is the context. SHe is a terrible human being who actually just panders to the wacko right.
As far as Santorum is concerned, do you also view homosexuality as the equivalent to beastiality? Rick Santorum is a Christian supremacist too. I am sure he holds an enlightened view of Islam.
WHy don't you deal with the crux of my essay? That the term Islamofascist is stupid since fascism state based and a invention of the West.
How many of those you have listed, have served in the US military?

Anonymous said...

I do not agree (and find stupid) with many things that Coulter and Santorum say, but I try to look at a bigger picture. The main issue of our generation and maybe generations to come is the war with radical Islam. Coulter and Santorum, with all their shortcomings are our allies in this war, because they do a lot more good than bad.

People who are against the term “Islamofascism” are either Islamofascists themselves or dumb Dhimmis with politically correct mental disorder. The term was coined by Algerian Muslims in the early nineties when they were being slaughtered by Muslim fundamentalists. The term is extremely accurate, because fascism is a totalitarian ideology based on supremacy. European fascism is based on Aryan supremacy. Islamofascism is based on Islamic supremacy. The only pre-condition to using this term is that the user must make it clear about distinction between Islamofascists and Muslims.

Justin said...

First off, I find all religious belief to be childish and based on so many logical fallacies it is laughable. I especially find the religions of Abraham to be the silliest of them all. I think people who believe in religion are intellectually lazy and too many are simpleminded. So if I am a fascist I am an atheist fascist, since you feel the need to call me a fascist or politically correct.
You state:
“The main issue of our generation and maybe generations to come is the war with radical Islam. Coulter and Santorum, with all their shortcomings are our allies in this war, because they do a lot more good than bad.”
I wonder: Haven’t I heard this one before? Wasn’t the main issue of the last generation a war with communism? Suharto and Pinochet, with all their shortcomings are our allies in this war, because they do a lot more good than bad. Same product, just with new packaging. The Republicans only care about white men and my guess is that you are not a white man, in their eyes.
Muslims teaming up with Christian Supremacists is as ridiculous as the Israelis teaming up with the End Times wacko Christians, who in the end believe all Jews either convert or perish. Because the Israelis too, look at the big picture, the expelling of the Palestinians and continued annexation of their land. My guess is though that you have little sympathy for the Palestinians, or homosexuals, otherwise you would never include a list, filled with Neo-Conservatives and Christian Supremacists, like you did, in your original post. Sympathy for the Palestinians won't help you suck up to the Christian supremacists because they hate the Palestinians, because as the war criminal Sharon said, America's fight is the same as Israel's.
If Ann Coulter had the chance, and Santorum, they would both make Christianity the country's religion and force its teaching on our schools. Is that really what you want?
"People who are against the term “Islamofascism” are either Islamofascists themselves or dumb Dhimmis with politically correct mental disorder."
I see that political correctness is like pornography; YOU know it when YOU see it. You decide what is political correctness or not. Some used to argue that we shouldn’t have to stop calling them sand-niggers, you might see this as political correctness, I don’t.
"The term was coined by Algerian Muslims in the early nineties when they were being slaughtered by Muslim fundamentalists."
Now when it comes to Algeria, the term makes much more sense. Because the Islamists had hoped of toppling the government and creating a state, which is required for fascism. That I will give you, but what was the term given to the French?
"The term is extremely accurate, because fascism is a totalitarian ideology based on supremacy. European fascism is based on Aryan supremacy. Islamofascism is based on Islamic supremacy."
Yes fascism is a totalitarian ideology but it still needs a state. Also, I find it really hard to believe that European fascism was based on Aryan Supremacy considering Hitler and Mussolini were not Aryan.
As far as the Islamists are concerned, do you really believe that they are going to take over America? No really, do you think that these Islamofascists are going to pile onto ships, sail across the oceans and invade our country? Please answer that. Do you think that any nation, let alone, a bunch of impotent pissed off Arabs can invade our country? Do you honestly believe that with America armed to the teeth, last count we have 300,000,000 handguns, is going to be taken over by AL-Zahawiri? C’mon. That makes about as much damn sense as when Reagan told us that the Sandinistas were going to invade Texas.
SO what is the scenario you envision in which America becomes over taken by a couple of guys hanging out in some caves. Do you think that somehow they will be able to create an indigenous nuclear program in Waziristan? Are they going to come and fight block to block with every Arab hating white supremacist in Texas, Idaho, Wyoming, et al. Maybe what you see happening is that religious hating people, like me, will vote into power Al Zawahiri.
I am beginning to think you have stock in Lockheed and Raytheon or you are hoping to be an “Uncle Tom” or “House Muslim”, so much for fucking political correctness, eh? Don’t forget that about one third of American think our own government was behind it, and most the Muslim world thinks it was Mossad.

Anonymous said...

"you feel the need to call me a fascist"

Calling you a dumb Dhimmi is not quite the same.

"Suharto and Pinochet, with all their shortcomings are our allies in this war"

Again, you must be too dumb to understand the difference between someone who is responsible for multiple murders and who is not.

"The Republicans only care about white men and my guess is that you are not a white man, in their eyes."

Just because you are a racist, doesn't mean republicans are. And the last time I checked the most prominent racists in America (Byrd and Jackson) were Democrats.

"Muslims teaming up with Christian Supremacists"

Acknowledging a positive action and teaming up with someone is not the same thing.

"expelling of the Palestinians and continued annexation of their land."

If you are too dumb to understand the difference between simple things, how can you possibly understand such complex issues like Arab-Israeli conflict?

"you have little sympathy for the Palestinians, or homosexuals"

They are just as much human beings as any other people.

"Christian supremacists ... hate the Palestinians"

Do you think that repeating your idiotic statements will make them reality? Hating Palestinians and hating Palestinian terrorists are not the same things.

"You decide what is political correctness or not."

OK, that me too subjective. Dumb Dhimmi is descriptive enough. Sand-n---s is an insult, it refers to ethnicity. Islamofascism is a description, it refers to an ideology.

"Yes fascism is a totalitarian ideology but it still needs a state."

Islamofascists wage Jihad to establish a state. The Caliphate.

"Also, I find it really hard to believe that European fascism was based on Aryan Supremacy considering Hitler and Mussolini were not Aryan."

Maybe you should learn some WWII history, so other won't find you really dumb.

"do you really believe that they are going to take over America?"

If given the chance, absolutely. They make no secret about their intentions.

"do you think that these Islamofascists are going to pile onto ships, sail across the oceans and invade our country?"

They've been doing it for decades and if you don't see that, you should remove your head out of your ass. Look at Europe. Some countries have neighborhoods where the police does not go without consulting with imams first.

"one third of American think our own government was behind it"

that's your excuse for being a dumbshit?

Your problem is your ignorance. You think you know everything, when, in fact, you don't know shit. Explaining anything to you is a waste of time. If you want to learn something, get a copy of American Jihad. I'm done wasting my time here.

Justin said...

Anyone who has to resort to that much Ad hominem must have some problem.

"you feel the need to call me a fascist"

"Calling you a dumb Dhimmi is not quite the same."
You claim I am either a Islamofascist or politically correct. Since I am not politically correct it follows I am a fascist.

"Suharto and Pinochet, with all their shortcomings are our allies in this war"

"Again, you must be too dumb to understand the difference between someone who is responsible for multiple murders and who is not."
No, I am just saying that you are following a pattern that comes back to bite people in the ass. Just like when america thought it was a good idea to arm the Afghan freedom fighters.

"The Republicans only care about white men and my guess is that you are not a white man, in their eyes."

"Just because you are a racist, doesn't mean republicans are. And the last time I checked the most prominent racists in America (Byrd and Jackson) were Democrats."
You honestly don't believe that Republican party gained members after the Democrats passed Civil RIghts legislation? Also the most prominent racists are people like David Duke, Ann Coulter and others.

"Muslims teaming up with Christian Supremacists"

Acknowledging a positive action and teaming up with someone is not the same thing.
Oh ya, an enemy of an enemy is a friend. Again how did that work out when the Neo- Cons armed the Arabs in their fight against the Soviets.

"expelling of the Palestinians and continued annexation of their land."

If you are too dumb to understand the difference between simple things, how can you possibly understand such complex issues like Arab-Israeli conflict?
Ya, the Arab-Israeli conflict is oh so complex or controversial, as the Israelis like to have us believe. Unfortunately the entire world is in agreement as to what the solution is but Israel and AMerica block it.

"you have little sympathy for the Palestinians, or homosexuals"

"They are just as much human beings as any other people."
Ya, what does your religion say about gays? How enlightened is Islam?

"Christian supremacists ... hate the Palestinians"

"Do you think that repeating your idiotic statements will make them reality? Hating Palestinians and hating Palestinian terrorists are not the same things."
Listen to what they say, they make no distinctions between the two.

"You decide what is political correctness or not."

"OK, that me too subjective. Dumb Dhimmi is descriptive enough. Sand-n---s is an insult, it refers to ethnicity. Islamofascism is a description, it refers to an ideology."
Again you decide what is politically correct or not, I stand by that.

"Yes fascism is a totalitarian ideology but it still needs a state."

"Islamofascists wage Jihad to establish a state. The Caliphate."
But they don't have one, a necessary component of fascism. Once they get one then fine call them fascists.

"Also, I find it really hard to believe that European fascism was based on Aryan Supremacy considering Hitler and Mussolini were not Aryan."

Maybe you should learn some WWII history, so other won't find you really dumb.
Ya, Hitler had blue eyes and blonde hair, I forgot.

"do you really believe that they are going to take over America?"

"If given the chance, absolutely. They make no secret about their intentions."
Sorry I should have asked if you think they can.

"do you think that these Islamofascists are going to pile onto ships, sail across the oceans and invade our country?"

"They've been doing it for decades and if you don't see that, you should remove your head out of your ass. Look at Europe. Some countries have neighborhoods where the police does not go without consulting with imams first."
Ya, and the Mexicans too.

"one third of American think our own government was behind it"
"that's your excuse for being a dumbshit?"
ad hominem, Someone who bases their life on the logical fallacy that is a religion must resort to their uses outside of their faith too.

"Your problem is your ignorance. You think you know everything, when, in fact, you don't know shit. Explaining anything to you is a waste of time. If you want to learn something, get a copy of American Jihad. I'm done wasting my time here."

Thank you for leaving. I prefer debate instead of ad hominem attacks. YOu obviously can not debate the issues so you must lower yourself to Dershowitz-esque attacks. It is you who are on a Jihad, against anyone who doesn't agree with you which is why you came to this site in the first place.

Anonymous said...

It will be seen that, as used, the word ‘Fascism’ is almost entirely meaningless. In conversation, of course, it is used even more wildly than in print. I have heard it applied to farmers, shopkeepers, Social Credit, corporal punishment, fox-hunting, bull-fighting, the 1922 Committee, the 1941 Committee, Kipling, Gandhi, Chiang Kai-Shek, homosexuality, Priestley's broadcasts, Youth Hostels, astrology, women, dogs and I do not know what else.

Yet underneath all this mess there does lie a kind of buried meaning. To begin with, it is clear that there are very great differences, some of them easy to point out and not easy to explain away, between the rĂ©gimes called Fascist and those called democratic. Secondly, if ‘Fascist’ means ‘in sympathy with Hitler’, some of the accusations I have listed above are obviously very much more justified than others. Thirdly, even the people who recklessly fling the word ‘Fascist’ in every direction attach at any rate an emotional significance to it. By ‘Fascism’ they mean, roughly speaking, something cruel, unscrupulous, arrogant, obscurantist, anti-liberal and anti-working-class. Except for the relatively small number of Fascist sympathizers, almost any English person would accept ‘bully’ as a synonym for ‘Fascist’. That is about as near to a definition as this much-abused word has come.

But Fascism is also a political and economic system. Why, then, cannot we have a clear and generally accepted definition of it? Alas! we shall not get one — not yet, anyway. To say why would take too long, but basically it is because it is impossible to define Fascism satisfactorily without making admissions which neither the Fascists themselves, nor the Conservatives, nor Socialists of any colour, are willing to make. All one can do for the moment is to use the word with a certain amount of circumspection and not, as is usually done, degrade it to the level of a swearword.

George Orwell
What is Fascism

The term islamofascist has no actual semantic purpose other than propaganda. It serves no other purpose than to obfuscate and manipulate emotions. Anyone who actually uses the term betrays an ignorance and a willingness to employ propaganda.