Tuesday, October 02, 2007

A Quick Thought.

Today, as usual, I was engaged in my mindless job listening to a Chomsky lecture from a few years ago and a thought entered my mind. Noam was talking about what may happen if the Iraqis are ever really allowed to control their own country in the democratic form so highly touted by the US administration. He lists off a few things that could be possible, this was before any elections in Iraq had occurred, and he mentions, the obvious, that they would seek better relations with Shia Iran. It is an obvious outcome considering many of the most important Iraqis lived there in exile, during Saddam's reign, and the most powerful man in Iraq, Al-Sistani, was born there. At that moment I realized why we are going to attack Iran and it is an exact replica of the Iraq bullshit.
Notice how again we are told that some evil brown skinned man is producing nuclear weapons just like Saddam was.(Our own CIA now claims that there were no WMD let alone nukes in Iraq) Then comes the threat to Israel with the now proven incorrect translation where the Iranian President says that he wants to "wipe Israel off the face of the map".(Israel being the fifth strongest military in the World and the first Middle Eastern nation to introduce nuclear weapons into the region) I think the final sign of imminent attack is the comparison to Hitler.(Remember that Hitler killed millions and the Iranian President has 40,000 Jews living in his country) So that is the pretext but what is the real reason.
The real reason again will be regime change which will be the second time we have overthrown a democratically elected Iranian leader in 60 years. Why must the regime change? Because if we allow Iraq to be free they would align themselves with the Clerics who run Iran, since the President is merely a figurehead, something the press and the intellectuals seem to be unable to remember. So we must eliminate the Clerics and the President, I guess for symbolic value since he is the newest Hitler. ( With amazing amounts of "New Hitlers" arriving on the international scene it makes one wonder about reincarnation.) That way when we are forced out of Iraq, which will happen, the Iraqis will have no Iran Shia Clerics to align themselves with. The only regime in Iran will be a secular regime that respects minority rights, just like the Iraqis who greeted us with flowers.
The most cynical part of me has another scenario that may be possible.
Okay say the US attacks Iran and the SHia in Saudi Arabia rise up, with the help of Iran, and overthrow the "government" of Saudi Arabia. We all know that the US and it population believes that the oil over there is really our property so a overwhelming percentage of AMericans would argue for the invasion and takeover of the Saudi state and its oil fields.

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