Monday, May 19, 2008

What the hell are they so scared of?

Today, as always, I began my day with a cup of coffee and my daily reading of the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel. Not the greatest of papers but it is better than nothing, I guess. In my reading I stumbled upon an article about mass graves that were being unearthed in South Korea. Now, I don’t know much about the Korean War so I was interested. As it turns out, there were mass executions carried out by our South Korean allies early in the war, and guess who the victims were? Yes, you guessed it, those dangerous leftists. Korea slaughtered untold thousands of leftists and peasants that the government felt were sympathetic to the leftists. Why is it that leftist are always being slaughtered and why is the US helping nations with these actions?
Sept 11 1973 was the day that Augusto Pinochet’s, with the backing of the C.I.A., forces began the overthrow of the democratically elected Socialist President Salvador Allende. We couldn’t allow the stupid people of Chile make such a mistake, as to vote a Socialist, so we had to help them see the error in their ways. This time the US government gave the Chilean government thousands of names of leftists who were promptly rounded up and executed in a soccer stadium or were “disappeared”. Why, because they believed in equality for all?
Again, in the 1980’s, the Nicaraguans elected the Sandinistas, a Marxist group, to govern but that was not acceptable to the Reagan administration. So they got a bunch of thugs, called the Contras, and began a terror war against the people of Nicaragua and murdered thousands of leftists and peasants. How could America allow such an example of Marxism in the Western Hemisphere? What was their big crime, spreading literacy to the poor and taking back their land from the greedy? Oh ya, one of the side effects of that terrorist was the crack cocaine epidemic.
IN 1954 the C.I.A., helped overthrow another democratically elected Socialist leader in Iran. Then for 25 years our puppet King, the Shah, oppressed his people and gave us the rights to their natural resources. Then one day everything changed and we now had a bunch of Americans held hostage in our embassy, and we can see how this al worked out. Mossadegh’s crime, kicking out British Petroleum and nationalizing their oil and natural gas reserves.
I guess what I don’t understand is what is the threat posed by Socialists/Marxist/Communists/Anarchists/Leftists? We are told, so often it is now regarded as a truism, that socialism/communism is bound to fail and has failed. Or as most ignorant people respond in exactly the same wording, which always sets off alarms in my head, “that has been tried and it doesn’t work” to which I have begun responding, “and this system does?”
Why are the powers that be so scared of this ideology? If this more egalitarian system is bound to fail why has our government worked so hard to make it fail, if its failure inevitable? Our government, regardless of party, has no problems allowing very repressive “communist” regimes to be regular members of the international community, think China, yet it is Cuba that is to be punished.
Again if Socialist democracy is bound to fail then let it. This leads me to believe that they know full well that it won’t fail but will flourish and they as a result, will be a little less obscenely rich and they can’t handle that fact because, as I have shown in the past, the super wealthy actually hate the rest of the human race.

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