Tuesday, May 27, 2008

quick thought

The Left in America is kind of paralyzed by Islam. On the one hand they hate Islamic fundamentalism and its dislike for secular values and lack of protection for minorities. Yet they don’t feel comfortable discussing that topic because they are so afraid of the Right and its desire to smash things, since the Muslims sit on so much oil, so they keep quiet. In the end they end up using cultural relativism in an attempt to not agree with the xenophobic Right and they fail.
The Right in America ends up siding with the fanatic Muslims on the issues. They both hate Fags (because God hates them just ask Fred Phelps or any other preachers) and human rights. They hate due process. They both hate the separation of church and state.
I think the Left would be better off showing the similarities between the Right in America and the Islamists. Show intolerance as intolerance. Show how the two agree on so many fronts. Two sides of the same coin.

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