Tuesday, February 19, 2008

My Mass Email

Hello Everybody,
I know, you never get emails from me but I have an important one.
I am determined to do anything in my power to have Hillary lose the nomination. Fuck, I even gave Obama a campaign contribution, I get some t-shirts out of the deal, and I don't even plan on voting for him in the general election.(we all have our beliefs).(full disclosure: I have never even fancied the idea, in the past, of giving money to a candidate and actually it goes against a great deal that I believe in)
It is becoming painfully obvious to Shelley and I, and the rest of the astute observers, that conservatives are voting for Hillary, in the open primary, in huge numbers. SO there is a chance that Obama may lose the vote in Wisconsin. So in the case that such an outcome is created I have come up with two talking points.
If Obama loses, "Well of course Obama lost. All the conservatives, due to Wisconsin's open primary, voted for Hillary because they know she is the only candidate who could possibly lose to the warmonger(fill in your favorite adjective) McCain. Doesn't this show the fear that conservatives have with a Obama/McCain race. They have all seen the numbers and Obama beats McCain without question whereas McCain wins against Hillary. IN other words Hillary won because conservatives are terrified."
If Obama wins it gets better, "Barack beat the odds with so many conservatives voting for Hillary. I know it was close(my prediction) but Obama still won. THis is a movement that can not be stopped."
So even if Obama loses, he can still win.
P.S. Hey Gordon, you make some t-shirts and I will buy some.

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