Monday, February 25, 2008

Finally I Have Someone I Can Vote For!!!!

So Ralph has entered the building. Early results are in and it looks as if the media has decided just to ignore him. Of course, they had to mention the news from yesterday but it had to be done in a dismissive way. The narrative is that Ralph is losing it and is going to taint his legacy as a great champion of the people. The problem is, he doesn’t give a shit. If Mr. Nader had this enormous ego, that everyone attempts to pin on him, then wouldn’t he be far more concerned about his legacy? Even the humble Bill Clinton was concerned about his legacy. That being said, I still am not clear as to why he is running.
In 2000 the American public was slowly moving back to the left, towards the center. People had finally caught on to the eight years of fake liberalism. The Clinton Administration had moved right of center and began neo-liberal colonialism on the world under the guise of free trade. People were sick and began to mobilize. Culminating in the riots in Seattle in 1999. Suddenly everyone knew what the W.T.O., I.M.F. and the World Bank were, and it mattered to them. This economic colonialism was rearing its ugly head and people began to have regrets.
Then comes election 2000, the most important of our lives, and it is more of the same. Two sons of congressmen, Al Gore Jr. Vs. George Bush Jr., in “the battle of the unperceived aristocracy.” AL Gore had a formidable opponent in Bill Bradley and many of us still wish Bradley had won but he didn’t. Bush was battling McCain and could have lost had it not been for Rove’s stories about McCain’s black baby, the baby I believe was actually Vietnamese. That destroyed McCain in S. Carolina and the rest is all Nader’s fault.
Then comes the 2004 election. The most important in our lifetime, we were told. We had to defeat this Bush character at all costs. This is so important we don’t care who the nomination is as long as it is Anybody But Bush. The Democrats were so determined to win they picked a candidate that wanted to send more troops into Iraq when the actual Democratic voters wanted the opposite to be happening. Since Kerry was Anybody But Bush it worked out perfectly. Here we had both candidates advocating the continued, and in Kerry’s case an increased, presence in Iraq. Either way you voted you voted in favor of the war. (If one wants to argue that Kerry would have begun a drawdown of troops, they should remember why the Democrats won in 2006 and what the results were).
The problem is that some of us can’t vote to continue the illegal occupation of a foreign nation. It goes against our morals. We don’t believe that America owns the world. Which is exactly what all these other people believe otherwise the rhetoric used would be far different. For instance, Iran is meddling in Iraq? They have no right? What about our meddling in Iraq? It isn’t meddling when you own the world. The sad thing too was that the Democratic base, as a result of their candidate being pro-war, had to legitimize his position so they adopted, what I, at the time, referred to as “the New White Man’s Burden”. In other words, us Americans (whites) need to run the affairs of the Iraqis (browns) because don’t have the ability. That is what voting for Kerry represented, to many of us people who believe in ethics and morality, and Ralph gave us an out.
To be sure, I am a little uncertain why Ralph is running again but I think it may be that he doesn’t care about his reputation anymore, if he ever did. I have a feeling that Ralph is willing to destroy his reputation in hopes of advancing his strongly held beliefs. This idea that his morals/values are somehow disingenuous is bullshit.
Is Ralph going to accomplish his mission? My guess is no. The American Public prefers denial to reality. As long as they have a paycheck they could care less that they are serfs. It won’t be until the economy begins to truly crash that we acknowledge all the people who, in the past, had warned us but, by that time, it will be too late.
I think that Ralph will spend the rest of his entire life trying to get people to understand the shear level of crimes being committed against the American citizens and the rest of the globe. The sad fact, for Americans who prefer to live in denial and don’t see themselves as responsible for the actions of their government, is that Ralph is likely to live a lot longer too since the man lives off chickpeas.

“Do not fear to be eccentric in opinion, for every opinion now accepted was once eccentric.” Bertrand Russell

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