Tuesday, February 05, 2008

If I hear one more person say race card....

If I hear one more person talk about how Obama is playing the race card, for which he isn't, I am going to fucking kill them. Here, again, Sen. Clinton cries at an event. If you think that her tears are genuine then you don't remember the Clintons.
Here I am going to say it, if you cry in public you are not qualified to be President whether you are a lady or a gent. Just imagine on 9/11 had Bush been brought to tears, what the nation and the world would have said. Now Hillary cries when she talks about how much she cares about the country, what happens if something bad happens. Oh Clinton's supporters will say that she is tough, and that is why she voted to start a war with the Iraqi people. The thing is that you can't have it both ways. Either you cry or you keep your composure. At the risk of falling into a gender trap, she should not be crying on the trail in order to get votes. If you think she isn't that heartless, where the fuck have you been for the last 16 years.


Anonymous said...

Did you notice that she says this shouldn't be about gender? It's interesting because in every stump speech she mentions how her grandmother, who was a woman presumably, could not vote, and how amazing it is that they are able to have a woman candidate. To think of it, I've never heard Obama mention his own race, only mentioning disparity between white and minority populations, a sad but true fact. Hillary does bring it up, though.

I also think it is interesting that Hillary can affirm that she is her own candidate separate from Bill, but in the next sentence hearken back to the '90s as evidence of the prosperity that she can bring.

She has 35 years of experience? Give me a break. That would be like saying my fiance has 8 years of economic training simply because she has lived with me throughout my studies. Her main experience comes as a (corporate) lawyer.

People are voting for her just because she has the Clinton name. Her record in the Senate is questionable at best, and beyond that, there is almost no record of her individual actions leading to any good change.

She wouldn't even have the Senate record if she weren't a Clinton, who opportunistically chose a state to buy a house in that had good election prospects. She had no ties to the state previously, but living in Illinois, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Arkansas previously.

I wouldn't say that she doesn't work hard, or that she doesn't deserve some of her success. The problem with nepotism, however, is that people have a hard time separating people from their names. It is extremely undemocratic to have 2 families (Bush and Clinton) on the presidential ballot in some form for the past 30 years.

al-rawandi said...

Who cares about race.... he is a smoker!