Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Ant-War Movement R.I.P. 2004-2007

On May 28th 2007, Memorial Day in America, the anti-war movement was pronounced dead. With Congressional Democrats falling all over themselves, to provide the President with whatever he wants, in order to keep this fucking war going after a very brief moment of opposition. And now, Cindy SHeehan, one of the two people who made up the anti-war movement, has called it quits. So thats that. The war will continue on....
The Democrats in Congress deserve condemnation. So many voted initially to go to war when there was so much evidence that contradicted the Bush/Cheney line. Democrats aren't thinking about the troops in war, they don't care about those people, the only thing politicians care about is re-election. Many Democrats remember how after ending the Vietnam War, like the public demanded of Congress, they were seen as defeatists, even though they did what the public wanted. Our Democrats today are thinking back and are afraid of their job security because, again, that is all they care about. They don't care about morals, international law, human beings, or anything that doesn't involve them. Hey David Obey, remember when you told those stupid liberals that they didn't understand anything, that your bill was going to end the war and if they couldn't see that then they must be smoking something illegal, go fuck yourself.
CIndy SHeehan has not only disavowed herself from the Democratic Party but she has gone all the way and just given up on the anti-war movement. This isn't good for a movement made up of only two people. Somehow I doubt that Medea Benjamin, trust fund kid, will be getting that much air play. Don't get me wrong, Medea and her CodePink are great but they were not enough. The mother of a dead soldier(SIde note: Casey was killed during an uprising in Sadr City. The uprising was caused because then Viceroy Paul L. Bremer decided that, in his position of supporting freedom, he would shut down a newspaper from the Shia Cleric Al-Sadr.) is always a great figure to protest a war.
Well now she is gone and the war can continue without a peep from the public. If the Democrats are lucky this War will cost the Republicans the Whitehouse. One must remember that we are losing nearly four soldiers a day and Jan. '09 is quite a few days away. So, in 2009, we may be talking about our Democratic President or we may be talking about the 1500 kids who died since CIndy SHeehan gave up.

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