Monday, September 11, 2006

Five Years Later

Today is the fifth anniversary of the hijacking and surely it will be wall-to-wall coverage on all the networks. They will ask if we are safer five years later and all the experts will claim that we are. They will ask what we have learned five years later and so on. Just the same drivel and garbage that passes for news in America. We can again expect the media to do its part in ignoring any facts that may cast the event in any other terms except, us the victims against those bad Arabs. So since we can’t count on our media to inform us on things that aren’t somehow related to our celebrities, I figured I would explore some of them.
“A Scripps-Howard poll of 1,010 adults last month found that 36% of Americans consider it "very likely" or "somewhat likely" that government officials either allowed the attacks to be carried out or carried out the attacks themselves”(Time 9/11/06 Vol.168 No.11) What!? Over one third of the general population actually believes that the government was involved? I guess this is the same country where 70% believed Saddam had a hand in 9/11. Still, how can one third of Americans actually believe their government was involved yet not react. If these people really believe that our Government actually slaughtered 3000 of its own citizens, why are they sitting in their homes? This is the crime for Saddam Hussein is being tried for in Iraq, “the murdering of his own people”. Is it that these people are so terrified of their government that they refuse to act?
Five years later and the mass media finally have admitted that the first responders are suffering from a variety of illnesses due to working in the environment around the collapsed World Trade Centers. For years the media did its part and kept quiet but recently this has changed. They are beginning to report on the illnesses and the costs the people will have to endure. It seems they are trying to create a mini-scandal about the Governments lack of help for these firefighters, police, guardsmen, and on. If we lived in a decent society that believed in taking care of its people, this would all be moot. If we had free healthcare none of this would be an issue because we would already be taking care of these brave citizens. Since 9/11 has been not only called “an act of war” and used to start two wars, the Pentagon should be paying for the treatment. Though we don’t live in a decent society, so we shower the defense contractors with hundreds of billions of tax dollars when just a few billion could take of these people for the rest of their suffering. That is the patriotic and shameful thing to do.
Just in case anyone didn’t realize it, today is Patriot Day. On October 25, 2001 our House of Representatives voted 407-0 to call on President Bush to designate September 11th as Patriot Day. On Sept 4th 2002 Bush used his power as President to do so and has every year since. This year's Press Release
It turns out that Congress was quite busy the week it was voting to create a Patriot Day for us Americans to observe. Two days earlier my fine Congressman James Sensenbrenner introduced a little Resolution entitled “Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001” better known by its acronym the USAPATRIOT act. The next day the House voted it for. One day later, the Senate passed it, and then 24 hours later it became law with the swipe of a pen by our President. It goes against all conventional wisdom to think our Government could work so quick and effectively. As it turns out our Government can work really rapidly when it is removing rights from it’s citizens and increasing it’s own power.
Finally the line about the “terrorists” hating our freedoms is sure to pop up on the news today. The idea that Al- Zawahiri hates our bill of right is hard to stomach. He hates freedom of speech? The fact that Americans buy that garbage is the reason they buy all the rest of it. It is a known fact that he and Bin Laden dream of creating an Islamic State in the Arab peninsula that would most likely be under Shariah law which is nothing but oppression. This is all true but is it really believable that they think they will take over our country, kill our leaders and convert us all into Muslims? Please. History shows that typically people fight for freedom not the other way around, unless of course we are talking about the State.
So why are they attacking us? Have they ever said why? Yes. Virtually every speech aired on AL Jazeera from either Bin Laden or Al-Zawahiri lists their goals. For the oddest reason though the American press never airs or reprints the speeches in whole. If we are lucky they will reprint about three lines about infidels or something out of context.
Of the four major reasons, only one has been addressed with disastrous results. One of Bin Laden’s gripes was the presence of thousands of US combat troops in Saudi Arabia, home to the holiest sites of Islam. The US has changed their policies in regards to that one by moving all combat troops into Iraq.
Our Government has been lying to us since 9/11 and at the same time grabbing more and more power while slowly stripping our rights away. They have used the attacks as a pretext to invade the second largest known oil reserves in the world. The Republicans have used September 11th to scare the nation and get re-elected. Surveillance cameras are going up in major cities around our nation to “protect” us. I now wish I hadn’t checked out that book on Hamas from the library. We have no reason to believe anything the government or the media says in regards to terrorism. Instead we should think the opposite.

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