Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Essay from 2002

This is a reprint of the original essay I wrote in the summer of 2002. I have reprinted this here to show that a person without a college degree is more fit to be running this country then all the assholes that currently do. I made a few predictions that didn’t come true but I made a few that did.

Today in the Journal-Sentinel there was a report that Iraqi President Saddam Hussein is positioning his forces in and around Baghdad and other cities. He’s doing this most likely to make his removal more difficult and bloody. Luckily for the U.S., we’ve been practicing Urban Warfare for a decade or so, knowing that cities are slowly covering more and more of the planet.
Going into Iraqi cities is going to be a messy operation. We will have thousands of troops walking through alleys and into buildings. This isn’t like the villages in 'nam or even the West Bank. Baghdad was once a cosmopolitan metropolis with tall buildings and Chevy Trucks. If you’ve followed the Jewish occupation of Palestine you’ve seen how simple and cheap it is to booby trap doors and buildings.
It is well known to anyone who’s watched the evening news that Saddam doesn’t really care about the welfare of his people. He is more that willing to use them as “human shields”. Human shields is really just as euphemism for innocent civilians who are protected under the Geneva Convention and aren’t to be targeted but if they are then they are human shields. It is very likely that we could kill thousands of civilians in the cities of Iraq. Also, Al Jazeera, Russian and French journalists who are already there will broadcast this war all over the world.
Why do innocent civilians deserve to be killed over the petroleum reserves in Iraq? We’ve found it is a lot cheaper to kill humans in order to satiate our addiction for energy than it is to install solar panels on the roofs of U.S. houses. How spending 70 billion on war can be cheaper than alternative fuel sources is beyond my reasoning. Unless you figure that Lockheed, Boeing, Raytheon, TRI and McDonald Douglass stand to make a shit load of money replacing Tomahawk Missiles and other death machines. I guess also that transnational oil companies stand to make a lot of money at the same time. Our oil companies are sick and tired of the French and the Russians reaping the profits from the Iraqi oil. They want a piece of that black pie.
Saddam is a dictator plain and simple. He has a terrible record of oppressing his people and fattening his wallet. This has never been a crime in the past. From the Suharto family in Indonesia to Somoza in Nicaragua to the Saudi royal family. Christ, even the people who ran Mexico for 70 years fall into this category. What tends to be the crime is the overthrow of these regimes by the people of the country. From the Sandinistas to Castro.
We have no moral or legal right to attack Iraq. We won’t ask the UN Security Council for the go ahead because we know that three of the permanent members would veto it. They have already informed us of that fact. Maybe France, Russia and China are the new “Axis of Evil”. Watch out France you’re next.
The Bush administration is claiming we need to do this for our own security. A pre-emptive move they claim. If this is a moral justification, then shouldn’t Iraq be attacking us under the same notion? Never mind, the US is a hypocritical nation.
Anyone who thinks that a nation will attack the US is a fucking moron. We can, will and have destroyed whole nations. No one is going to attempt to wipe Israel off the map either. They are all aware that the Jews have 200 nuclear missiles and the US war machine on their side.
Saddam wants more than anything to remain in power and wouldn’t do anything to jeopardize that. Though if he knows his end time is soon nothing is stopping him from using these phantom weapons of mass destruction against our soldiers. Die for oil suckers. Attacking America would for sure lead to his death and most people don’t want to die. It’s a natural instinct deep in our genetic makeup and it is hard to fight against.
I do agree that the Iraqi people would be better served by a democracy, if the democracy were real and open, unlike our own. The only problem with having a democracy in Iraq is that most likely the Iraqi people would want to nationalize the oil under their feet. Could you imagine a nation saying, “Look. This is our oil and we will do what we please with it. Hands off.” That would really piss off Haliburton, ExxonMobil, ChevronTexaco and the rest of the richest companies in the world.
So we would be better off installing a puppet, a puppet that would allow all the profits from Iraqi resources to flow into the pockets of a few extremely rich westerners. Who could then turn around and give us our two candidates for the next presidential election. Once the oil companies candidate, either one, it doesn’t really matter, won the election we could then go to war again and steal some more natural resources. Our government won’t stop until we increase our consumption from 25% of the world’s resources to maybe 50%. Yet, we are still just 4.5% of the world’s population. Why is it that people all over the world hate us? Oh ya, its our open and free society.
Our leaders are Christian, right? There must be something in their “holy” text that makes them act so crazy. Maybe it’s the Ten Commandments.
Lets take a quick look at some of those.
Worship no God but me. Well that is a no-brainer, we worship the Almighty $.
Do not worship any false idols. The Pledge of Allegiance?
Do not use the Lord’s name in vain. That is the only way they use their lord.
Observe the Sabbath and keep it holy. We started bombing Afghanistan on a Sunday just as the Packers were kicking off.
Do not commit murder. Hmmm.
Do not steal. Hmmm.
Do not bear false witness. Hmmm.
Do not covet your neighbor’s possessions. Hmmm.
So where do you think all these people screaming for Saddam’s head will end up after they die?
See you in hell Cheney.

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