Tuesday, July 22, 2008

My letter to one of the Community Columnists

This is an email I sent to one of the many idiots the Journal Sentinel picked to be a Community Columnist over me. Typical intellectual garbage. I thought I would post it just in case she responds. Here is a link to her column.

Dear MS. Carlson,
I read your column on Tuesday and was a little disturbed. Your essay was in relation to the proposed referendum to raise the sales tax to pay for various services. To be fair, I really don’t believe this is the right thing to do but that is my opinion, nothing more.
What I found so disturbing was your remark about how you applaud Mr. Walker’s veto of the resolution. I am a little confused by this remark because I figure that you must be an American citizen, most likely a naturalized one, yet you hold contempt for Democracy.
Why is it a good thing that the people’s right to exercise their right to vote should be thwarted? Shouldn’t people in America have the right to vote on an issue instead of having Government tell us we are not allowed to? Where does the Government get the right, or privilege, to stop us from voting? Is it that you believe Government is the best decider on all the issues and one man should be allowed determine everything? Because remember Scott Walker is part of the Government.
From where I sit this is classic class warfare. I really enjoyed the line about a radio caller who saves $30 dollars a month by not shopping in Milwaukee County. Because that is all it is about, me, me, me! Screw the rest. Why should any of you care if the old widow across town has enough to eat or can take a bus to the clinic? She made her choices and should have to not eat, right? Why should you care? It isn’t about the most important person, you.
I mean your essay was basically a stereotype. “I spend $500 dollars on garbage from a department store, while others can’t feed their children. I really need to have a plasma T.V. because I earned it. Forget all those others who made bad choices in life since everyone who is struggling is so because of the choices they made, not their parents, not the State, just them. Also while were at it, since there are more of them then there are of us, we better not let them vote.” What are we just the rabble who is allowed to “participate” in elections when you people decide we can.
Who the hell do you people think you are? Is Scott Walker now an elected Monarch? Is that the kind of system you would prefer? Where the more “educated”, or indoctrinated, get to make all the choices because the common person is to stupid to know what he wants. Of course, this is the same common person that the Right claims to be a champion for.
I am sorry if you think my rhetoric is a little heated but I believe strongly in Democracy, one person one vote, and you disagree. Democracy is supposed to be the law of the land, unless it may hurt your pocket book but allow others to find more work.
Nevermind, you only care about yourself, and by extension you family, and no one else. You hold contempt for the common person and their wishes. I am slowly beginning to see how the “right” in America is truly anti-american values. They don’t believe in elections, they don’t believe in a jury of one’s peers, they don’t believe in the right to assemble, they don’t believe in the right to free speech, they don’t believe that persons should not be unreasonably searched, they don’t believe in the right to a speedy trial, they like cruel and unusual punishment, and on and on. Oh wait they do believe that everyone should have the right to be armed to the teeth.
Opponents of democracy need to be unmasked for the good of the country.
The comedy is how you people label silly liberals as elitists because they drink fancy coffee. What is tragic is that people listen to you.

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