Thursday, July 24, 2008

I'm at it again.

Yes I had to write to another community columnist. Basically this guy is against democracy as well.

Dear Mr. SMith
Do you think people should have the right to vote on anything or should we have some "managers" to make all of our decisions?
If people are not informed enough to make the proper decision isn't that the media's fault?
If we can't trust people to make rational decisions then can we trust the people that they elect to office?
Do you really know what the term "leftist" means? (I am surprised you didn't pull out the old bogey man, Socialists)
Why would anyone company want to come to this crappy town anyway? All the mass transit we offer? The great infrastructure? The fantastic race relations? The 50% unemployment rate of black men? So they all can live in tax heaven Waukesha county? All the great culture we offer? Clean beaches and water? The awesome parks system?
You seem to enjoy the talking point about entitlement mentality? Does this apply to Lockheed, Chrylser, the Airlines, Bear Stearns, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the S&Ls, or just regular folks?
Typically intellectual garbage. "Oh ya it is okay for government to bail out the big monied interests in America but not the poor. Because you see unlike the corporations who we bail out, poor people made bad decisions so they deserve it. The monied interests, which Thomas Jefferson warned us about, are the important people." What I love is how the conservatives suck up to the masters of the world in hopes of getting, I don't know, some favors? Or maybe they too think that are monied interests.
So-called Conservatives make me laugh. If only they were really conservatives and not proxies for the masters of the world.
Oh by the way my fiance is a small business owner. Though I think we have a different view on what a small business is. Do yourself a favor and reread Wealth of Nations.
Justin Loper

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, very interesting post, greetings from Greece!