Saturday, November 10, 2007

Carlin gets it right.

We live in sad times. Our mainstream press and politicians are telling us bullshit and the only people telling the truth are either wackos like Mike Gravel and Ron Paul or comedians. This just proves the Carlin's thesis. The media and the politicians are all in cahoots. REpublican/Democrats what a fucking joke. Oh ya, that is right there is a difference, one party hate fags and the other tolerates them, one loves corporations and the other does too, one offers unconditional support to Israel and the other tries to out do them, one supports health insurance companies and the other wants to get every american for profit health care insurance, and on and on and on,.............................


BetweenMirages said...

Hi there Justin! I'm a student of Jeff Jacobson at RCTC, and after a little dicussion we had, he gave me the link to your blog. I found it very interesting that you seem to recognize some of the corruption our country is facing by ruthless leaders who only continue to deprive us of liberty in the name of security, yet you seem to hold the stance that Ron Paul is a wacko, and the truth movement has no truth backing them. I find this quite odd, and would like to discuss this further with you if you are willing to look at the facts. So what do you have against Ron Paul?

BetweenMirages said...

My email is