Wednesday, November 07, 2007

The beginnings of the Madness of Justin.

In 1998 the great liberal began Operation Desert Fox, Desert Fox being the name given to Hitler’s greatest General, while I was at work at Paradise Bakery in Portland, OR. A block away the protesters were amassing at the Federal Building to scream about the unnecessary loss of life that was going to be forced on the Iraqis. A great feeling of justice swept over me.
Here I was outraged at the disregard for human life and as I walked outside I saw that another hundred people were so angry they felt the need to come downtown and put their safety on the line. It seemed, to me, that killing people was disgusting and should be opposed, especially when the world’s most powerful country was perpetrating it. Unfortunately I was unable to participate in the protest since I had to close up shop but I was able to tune into Pacifica Radio, of course you have never heard of it since it doesn’t spew the approved corporate bullshit, and they were interviewing Professor Chomsky. Chomsky is a moralist along the lines of Kant and Russell, who believes that something is only moral if everyone, in similar circumstances, can exercise the same actions as all the others. In other words, if it is okay for us to invade nations that we perceive as threats then it is just as moral for others to do the same.
Chomsky went on to outline the outright lies, the hypocrisy and the human toll of this new attack, by Clinton, on Iraq. His words resonated with me unlike many other people have in the past and since he was talking about morality and the principle of universality I got hooked.
I began to realize that I voted for this warmonger asshole Clinton and therefore I too was responsible for his actions, even though I could argue false consciousness. I was led to believe that the Democratic Party cared about other human beings and were the progressive party. This night was very illuminating for me. I went from a mild Socialist, their ideas always made the most sense for me since I was not out to get all I could, to a radical. At the same time my opinions went from being given some respect to receiving outright hostility from the Democrats, which I soon learned meant I was on the right course.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Paradise bakery....
Enron, Arthur Anderson, the Federal Building, Multnomah County Jail... I think Enron still owes a few airpots.

remember what I used to say when I went on a smoke break?

"Be back in ten minutes. I'm gonna go start the revolution..."

We were definitely working in the cesspool of society.