Tuesday, December 19, 2006

President Carter

So it seems President Carter has caused a little stir in America. It turns out he has written a book critical of Israeli policies towards the Palestinians. As a result he has had at least one prior engagement canceled. He was to give a talk at Brandeis University but was told that he would have to debate the ravenous plagerizer Alan Dershowitz. Carter refused saying something to the effect that Dershowitz doesn't know what the fuck he is talking about.
The book hadn't even been released and the Israeli Lobby was already in full swing. We had Speaker-elect of the House condemn Carter's use of the term apartheid. Ironically or maybe not Israel blocked Rev. Desmond Tutu from going to Palestine on a fact finding mission. From where I sit it seems as if the Lobby has done it job, for the most part. They are trying so hard not to allow the term apartheid from being used. I had a letter to the editor printed in the Journal Sentinel calling Israel an aprtheid regime and was surprised that there was no response.
Is apartheid a legitimate word for what is happening in the Occupied Territories? I would have to say of course. There are roads that only Israelis are allowed to travel on. They criss cross the West Bank in an attempt to grab more and more land while relegated the Palestinians to little Bantustans or "homelands" like they had in SOuth Africa. People are given certain rights in the Occupied Territories due to their ethnicity. There are Palestinians without enough water yet the settlers have swimming pools. THough, what I just read in Haaretz(Israel's New York TImes) is that the government has passed a law making it illegal for an Israelis to drive a non-Israeli in their car. No shit. It will be against the law in January for an Israeli citizen to transport a Palestinian or any human rights worker. Now if that isn't apartheid I don't know what is.
Now just imagine for a moment what the US press would say if Iran made it illegal for an Iranian to transport a Jew in an Iranian car. Better yet, imagine the what the press would have had to say if the Soviets made it illegal to transport a Jew in a Soviet car. There would be outrage. Not in this case though. Business as usual. Fuck the Palestinians. Thank Speaker Pelosi.

Haaretz Article. If you don't believe me.

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