Monday, December 04, 2006

My letter to the editor 12/1/06

U.S. must find a way to get out of Iraq
-title theirs not mine-

Thank you for printing Sen. Chuck Hagel's thoughtful analysis of the Iraq war ("How U.S. must exit Iraq," Perspectives, Nov. 28). It is crucial for our politicians to find a way out of Iraq.
Many pundits claimed that the Democratic victory in November was a referendum on the war. Yet almost the next day, Democrats assured the country that they weren't going to do anything to speed our exit from this disaster.
As a member of the so-called left, I find it humorous that I may have a choice in the 2008 presidential election between a Republican who is against the war, Hagel, and a Democrat, Sen. Hillary Clinton, who is for the war. If it truly comes down to that, I know which side I will be voting for. Some things are far more important than party affiliation.
Justin Loper
Journal Sentinel

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