Thursday, October 23, 2008


Some things I HOPE for.
The reinstatement of the right to a trial.
The closing of Guantanamo Bay, completely with us giving the land back to Cuba.
The immediate removal of troops from both Iraq and Afghanistan.
The arrest and trail of corporate criminals who have tanked the economy.
The institution of a 1/2 of one percent tax on currency speculation and financial transactions.
The ending of the illegal embargo of Cuba.
The payment of reparations to Iraq and Afghanistan.
The total removal of taxes, including payroll taxes, to anyone earning less than a living wage.
The regulation of the financial system.
Public financing of all elections.
Equal pay for equal work.
National Healthcare.
Equal care for people who suffer from mental illness.
Full employment.
A major cut to the Pentagon.
Real investment in renewable resources.
An end to the oppression of the Palestinians by the Israelis made possible with US weapons and protection in the UN.
Just a quick list of things I HOPE for but am not naive enough to believe will CHANGE.
I could go on but Democracy Now! is on in two minutes so I must go.
Maybe in four years I can cross some of these HOPES off my list, though I highly doubt it.

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