Monday, June 16, 2008

Ya right.

SO Tim Russert died on Friday and the accolades haven't stopped yet. The one problem I have is this narrative that he was a good journalist. THis notion that he asked the "hard" questions. One example they showed was him asking Cheney what if we aren't greeted as liberators in Iraq but instead as occupiers. Cheney responds that he doesn't see that happening and, that is it, no more questions. I remember because I was watching that Sunday and I remember screaming at the TV.
IT is amazing how quickly convenient myths are created. Years from now the story will be that we had bad intelligence on Iraq and there were no dissenting voices in the Intelligence Community. Nothing about the VIce President's office setting up its own intelligence group to create 'intelligence" about Iraq or Cheney personally visiting the CIA.
I just love the bullshit fairy tale about how America always tries to do the right thing for the right reason but sometimes we accidentally slaughter 3.2 million Vietnamese and 58,000 Americans.
What is sad is that American, who must live in total denial at all times, accept it.

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