Thursday, March 27, 2008

New Controversy


I have no problem calling out religious texts for the bullshit inside, like when the Bible says gays should be murdered and fortune tellers too. Oh ya and unruly children and your wife if she tries to take you away from God. Though to paint the entire group in this way is offensive to me because it is unfair. What about the Christians who slaughtered doctors for performing a procedure which is legal?
I once met a guy who moved hear from Holland and I was shocked so I asked him why. He said that Holland is becoming a very racist country, which surprised me. I now understand what he was saying.
One point from Chomsky. Chomsky has asked how come when a Muslim leader does something crazy it is because they are Muslims while no one says that Kennedy, Johnson and Nixon slaughtered 3.2 million Vietnamese because they were Christian. Somehow one's religion only affects them if they are Muslim.

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