Thursday, June 14, 2007

Save What!?

There is a wave sweeping across college campuses. Kids are starting to organize. There are teach ins, posters, rallies, marches, fliers, T-Shirts and they all are saying the same thing, "Save Darfur."
"Save Darfur" is now the hip thing to be a part of on college campuses while Iraq burns, badly. To them the real tragedy is in Darfur where it is estimated that around 200,000 have been killed, 20% violently. Iraq's violence, being caused by our own government, is far greater than anything going on in Darfur yet that is not worth a T-Shirt.
Yes there is tragedy in Darfur, there is no doubt, but what is the conflict's history? What will it take to stop it? WHo really knows, maybe the college kids could go to China and lobby that government.
Why is it that Darfur is to be saved but not Iraq. By some estimates three times as many people have been killed in Iraq.
The only government one can exert any control over is there own. Yet that is not happening? Why?
If someone wanted to protest against human rights violations going on in Africa they should look into the war in the Democratic Republic of Congo and Coltan.

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