Thursday, March 08, 2007

Ann Coulter must be a good Christian

Luckily, according to one of our commenters, gays choose to be faggots.

The superior intellect causes her truoble.

I just love fucking hypocrits. If I remember, Jesus Christ had a whole speech about hypocrits and never said a word about faggots. To be fair, it could be argued that he was crowned with a faggot, a thorny faggot.

Thanks Super News.

The best part about the clip of Ann calling Edwards a "faggot" is that the crowd cheered. This shows you exactly what the Republican party stands for. It isn't as if the crowd gasped, like the crowd at the comedy club Kramer was at, but instead they agreed. The Republican party is the party of hatred, straight up. Why else attack gays, migrant workers, women, educators, intellectuals, the poor, labor or anyone else different.
From what I can tell there is absolutely nothing about the Republican party that says anything other than hate. Some say that the Republicans are for small government, yet they have increased the size of government at a faster pace than Clinton did. If my memory serves me right it was Clinton who claimed that big government was dead. Some say the Republicans are libertarian in nature but the want to tell us who to marry, what substances we choose to put into our bodes, who can die and who can't.... in other words it is complete bullshit. The Republican party is full of hate.

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