Wednesday, November 08, 2006

It is finally over!!!!

Well the election is finally over. No more commercials telling us how terrible the candidates are. I really wish that we lived in a society that one; cared about politics vs. the politician’s character and two; actually knew history. Instead we live in a civilization where the past has been deleted from our memory and people don’t care about politics. We are often told that we aren’t supposed to talk about politics; religion and I’ll add class. This is probably why we live in a society where religion decides our policies, no one knows what goes on and we have the most uneven wealth distribution in the western world. If we don’t talk about these things, why should we expect anything to get better?
Last night the people of Wisconsin went to the polls to enshrine discrimination into our Constitution. The only way for such a hate filled amendment to pass was for the twenty- somethings to decide that they don’t need to vote. Had the echo boomers, Gen-Yers, or the millennials come out to vote they could have swayed the election. Instead they sat at home and allowed a bunch of fucks to decide that I shouldn’t have the right to see my girlfriend in the I.C.U. The funny thing is that the younger people bitch about Bush and have no right to. Television is far more interesting than human rights. In an attempt to find a silver lining in such a travesty of humanity, I think I may have found one. The Republican hate mongers used up one of their last nasty ploys to get elected and it didn’t even work for them. Now next election they might have to run on their platform, which will never get them elected. So they shot their load and they still lost. Unfortunately homosexuals were the victims. God I hope they fight back! I am extremely angry that our state is filled with so many stupid wacko religious people. This is another product of our societies refusal to discuss politics, religion and class.
While we are on the topic of stupid religious wackos lets not forget the death penalty initiative. This one I can’t blame on World of Warcraft. Even if Generation Y had voted this one would have still passed. Too many people are fill with vengeance to see that murder is wrong in all cases. This referendum was what pushed me to vote for Governor Doyle. I had no plans on voting for him but once I got my ballot I had to rethink. Doyle is the only thing stopping our state from re-instating the death penalty. I hate the death penalty more than Democratic Politicians so I had to hold my nose and vote for Doyle. I had to do it. Executing people is what Saddam was just convicted of.
So the Democrats won the House and look poised to take the Senate. If this happens Bush will have dust off his veto pen. Remember that Bush only vetoed one bill, the one banning torture. Classy. If the Democrats are what the electorate thinks they are then they should start sending bills to Bush that help the average people for him to veto. Imagine him vetoing a raise in the minimum wage. I, of course, expect that the Democrats will just take their position in between the Republicans and the center.
I hope that the take over of Congress by the Democrats might slow down our shitty government. Maybe the Government will stop handing all our wealth to a tiny minority of obscenely rich white guys. I know I am calling for a redistribution of wealth but what do you expect from a Marxist. Only in a society ruled by the rich can the term “wealth redistribution” be a dirty word whereas “wealth concentration” is never even spoken in public.
We must start talking about class, religion and politics; our society needs us to. If we as Americans actually started talking about these issues the world, not just America, would end up a much better place. Our citizens would end up educated on issues that affect everyone. No longer could our rulers say things like, “The terrorists hate our freedom.” The people would be too educated and would respond with things like, “Don’t the Muslims hate us for what we have done to them over the decades? From our support of some of the most egregious human rights violations from Israel to Saudi Arabia, to the overthrow of democratically elected governments like Iran.” Until we get to the point where people get educated about politics we will continue to be ruled over by a tiny group of the ultra-rich who care solely about themselves and their wealth.
As that terrible human being, Ralph Nader once said, “You better get turned on to politics otherwise politics will turn on you.” I hate him so much, stupid seat belts and the Freedom of Information Act. What a bastard.

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