Thursday, October 12, 2006

Holy Shit!

New figures have come out from the Johns Hopkins University about the numbers of Iraqis that have died as a result of our illegal invasion and continued occupation of Iraq. In our attempt to rid Saddam of Weapons of Mass Destruction, or wait to liberate Iraq, no, I mean bring Democracy to the Middle East, over 650,000 Iraqis have died. In three years the actions of our government have killed 655,000 people. In about one years time from now the number will top one million. We are truly a sick country.
As soon as this study came out our science friendly president said it was flawed. Remember that this is printed in the Lancet Medical Journal, Europe’s most prestigious medical magazine, which is peer reviewed. Also remember too, that Bush was a C student who has said he doesn’t read. Bush, who is nothing but an enemy of science, is going to tell us that this survey is flawed? C’mon you have got to be kidding me. The man is an idiot plain and simple and the people who he is surrounded by are a bunch of idiots as well. These are the same people who told us that the Iraqis would greet us as liberators. They were so certain that this would be the case that Cheney refused to answer a hypothetical question posed to him by Tim Russert about what may happen if we are viewed as occupiers and not liberators. Cheney told him that simply wasn’t going to be the case so there was no reason to even answer the hypothetical. This asshole is going to tell us that the Doctors at Johns Hopkins have a flawed study.
George Bush says that the survey is flawed. This is the same guy who stood on an Air Craft Carrier and told us that major combat operations in Iraq are over and he removed an ally of Al Queda. Yet the vast majority of all of the US causalities have resulted after Bush’s staged photo op. Did you know the Navy had to turn the ship around so the cameras wouldn’t be able to see San Diego on the Horizon? As far as an ally of Al Queda being removed, even he now claims that he never said Saddam was in cahoots with Saddam. Yet he is going to tell us that this study is flawed.
The great thing about our totally worthless media is that this number and this story will be sent down the memory hole. Bush doesn’t need to explain how the study is flawed because, one, he can’t and two, it couldn’t be explained away with a ten second sound bite in between the really important stuff, the commercials. What is truly scary is that many Americans will take Bush at his word not because he is intelligent or has a grasp of science but because they are sheep. They really believe that our government is always acting with the bests intentions and not malicious or evil, to use the fairy tale terminology so favored by Bush and his little mind. “We didn’t kill 655,000 people just so we could control the Middle East’s oil. We were trying to help people.” Luckily for the ruling elite the American public’s attention span is about as long as a ten second sound bite or a thirty second commercial. You ever wonder why the commercials are only thirty seconds?
So lets review, Johns Hopkins puts out a study in a peer reviewed medical journal after surveying thousands of households across Iraq. They interview people and are shown death certificates by most of the interviewees. They use the same techniques that they used in Kosovo and the People’s Republic of Congo that were widely accepted by the Western World, England and America included.
George Bush and his moronic crew told us so many fanciful stories. They told us of tens of thousands of gallons of mustard gas. They told us of mobile weapons labs, which were actually given to them by the British to produce hydrogen for weather balloons. They told us that Saddam was a grave threat to our existence. Rumsfeld told a press conference that he knew where the weapons were. Cheney refused to even toy with the idea that the Iraqis would resist American occupation because it wasn’t going to happen he reassured us. He also told us half a year ago that the insurgency, I believe he referred to them as terrorists, were in their last throes. So who are the ones that are flawed?

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